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How Oil Changes Can Extend the Life of Your Vehicle

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How Oil Changes Can Extend the Life of Your Vehicle

As a car owner, you may have heard that oil changes are important, but you may not be aware of why they are so important. Some car owners may even delay getting their oil changed regularly because they don't understand how oil changes can impact their vehicle's lifespan. In this blog post, we will discuss how oil changes can extend the life of your vehicle and why it's crucial to get your oil changed regularly.

Lubrication is Essential for Engine Health

When engines are running, the many moving parts create friction, which can generate a lot of heat. Without sufficient lubrication, this friction can quickly wear down the engine's components, leading to overheating, loss of power, and even engine failure. Fresh oil acts as a lubricant to prevent this from occurring by providing a protective barrier between the metal parts.

Oil Changes Keep Your Engine Clean

Oil is designed to pick up dirt, debris, and other pollutants in the engine as it circulates through it. Over time, the oil will become sludgy and contaminated, and it will not work as effectively, making it critical to change it out. When oil builds up in this manner, it can cause parts to wear down faster, decreasing the engine's overall life. Gasoline also gets into the oil and reduces its effectiveness, and you'll want to prevent this.

Better Fuel Economy

When your engine is running on fresh oil, it doesn't have to work as hard to move your vehicle. Without having to overcome resistance, your engine can operate more efficiently, and your fuel economy can increase. This means you get more miles per gallon, which reduces the amount of money spent on gas over time. It's good for both your vehicle and your wallet.

Proper Oil Levels Decrease Overall Stress

So much emphasis is placed on maintaining proper oil viscosity, but there is also an optimal oil level for your car. Too little oil can lead to a reduction in engine performance, and too much oil can also corrode engine components over time. To keep your engine in top shape, it's crucial to ensure the oil level is adequate and monitored regularly. This will reduce overall stress, increasing the engine's lifespan.

Vital Parts of Your Vehicle Benefit From Oil Changes

When getting an oil change, other essential parts of your vehicle are also taken care of. Your oil filter is replaced, which prevents unfiltered particles from circulating to other parts of the car. Checking and topping off the power steering, transmission, and differential fluids further ensures that protection is applied everywhere necessary. Overall, oil changes extend the longevity of your vehicle.

Oil changes are incredibly important to extend the lifespan of your car. To ensure that your vehicle remains in top shape, it's crucial to adhere to the recommended oil change schedules set by the manufacturer. By looking after your car's engine and ensuring that it is kept lubricated and clean, you can enjoy driving your car for years to come. Don't neglect your car's essential fluids, gasoline, oil, and other important fluids! Visit Chestnut Automotive & Towing in Redwood City, CA for your preventative maintenance needs, or schedule an appointment online. Our team of experts is always willing to provide advice and guidance to car owners interested in keeping their vehicles in the best possible condition.

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